Secure Commercial Storage Available to Companies Relocating to, From, or Within the Charlotte, NC, Area

Commercial Storage Charlotte NC

One aspect of an office move that often gets overlooked during the planning stages is the need for a commercial storage facility where surplus office equipment and furniture can be housed until it is time to have it delivered or liquidated. For businesses moving to or from Charlotte, NC and surrounding areas, Relocation Strategies Charlotte offers secure and clean commercial storage facilities where our clients can trust that their equipment can be safely stored for as long as necessary during the business relocation process. We’re a full-service office relocation and project management firm that has the knowledge and experience needed to handle any size office expansion or move, and we have ensured smooth and stress-free transitions for countless companies to date.

Why Is Commercial Storage Necessary?

There are a variety of scenarios in which a commercial storage option may be needed to help smooth a transition. If you’re a business that is relocating, expanding, or renovating your current office space, you’ll need a safe place to store office equipment, furniture, files, and more while your office is turned into a construction site. We’ll ensure that everything is transported to the storage facility and that a full furniture, fixture, and equipment inventory is kept on file to accurately document what has been stored. And, when your office is finished, we can make sure everything is delivered and installed in a timely fashion.

In addition to offices and corporations, commercial general contractors can also benefit from our storage services. Delays are a common and often unavoidable part of the contracting business—suddenly there’s a shipment of new furniture or equipment arriving for an office space that isn’t ready. Relocation Strategies Charlotte can provide a stress-free and economical solution by storing the surplus items until office construction is completed. And, because of our existing partnerships with local facilities, we’re able to do it for a better price than most other companies.

Why Choose Relocation Strategies Charlotte?

Charlotte, NC area businesses choose Relocation Strategies Charlotte as their preferred commercial storage facility because of the invaluable amenities we offer, including:

  • 24/7 fully staffed properties 
  • Subdivided commercial storage units
  • Inventory tracking including furniture, fixture, and equipment, so there is always accurate documentation of what has been stored
  • Convenient retrieval methods, from dock-to-dock pickup to turnkey removal and delivery services

When you partner with us, you’re benefiting from more than a decade of experience. In addition to providing secure commercial storage units, we can:

  • Conduct a feasibility study to help determine if an office space you’re considering will be able to meet your company’s needs
  • Create a real budget and project timeline
  • Hire and manage construction and non-construction vendors
  • Draft all paperwork, including construction and request for proposal documents
  • Assist with office furniture procurement and liquidation
  • Provide professional interior design and space planning services
  • Decommission your old office space

Put your office relocation and commercial storage needs in the hands of the trusted professionals at RSI Charlotte. Contact us today to learn more about our short and long-term lease options available for our commercial storage units, and don’t forget to inquire about how you can save both time and money by taking advantage of our turnkey move management services. Relocation Strategies Charlotte is a professional project management firm that proudly serves businesses throughout Charlotte, NC, and all surrounding cities including Mooresville, Greenville, Raleigh, Wilmington and beyond.